Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Garden Expert
Baker & Taylor Interviews: 
Dr David Hessayon

Dr David Hessayon is best known for a best-selling series of gardening manuals known as the "Expert Guides". The series started in 1958 with Be Your Own Gardening Expert and in 2008 he celebrated their 50th anniversary and the 50 millionth copy in print. They have become the best selling gardening books in history. Baker & Taylor were very privileged to ask him a few questions:

1.     What one book would you recommend to a novice gardener?

How strange, this question is the hardest one to answer! I can’t think of one for the absolute beginner - so much to read with nothing to hang it on. My advice for the absolute beginner would be to get help from an experienced gardener - there are lots about and they generally love to help. He or she can talk to you on site and actually show you how to do the basic simple jobs. Then the beginner needs a simple general guide to answer the questions which arise. Some of the early ones by people like Thrower and Hamilton were excellent - I have tried to produce an up-to-date book with the Complete Garden Expert.

2.     Which of the Expert books has given you the most satisfaction and why?

Not an easy question to answer. My first book, like my first love, gave me a special type of thrill, but the most satisfying was the Orchid Expert. It was a joy to tell the story of this magical family of plants in simple terms for everyone, and it was satisfying to receive praise from the orchid growers.

3.     What garden has given you the most inspiration and why?

Shaw’s Garden in St Louis. I was in my early twenties and wondering what to do with my life and my degree. The beauty and variety of all those plants and flowers plus the stunning landscaping gave me the answer. Sorry it was not an English garden, but you did ask for the truth!

4.     What do you think is the biggest “crime” made by gardeners?

Two for the price of one. Both concern trees and shrubs. The first one is not checking before buying a plant on   what it needs, eventual height and suitability for the spot you have in mind. The other one is planting trees and shrubs too closely together. Check the expected heights and consult the Tree & Shrub Expert for the planting distance formula.

5.     What book are you currently reading?

No learned book or well-reviewed novel - it is Weird Things Customers Say In Bookshops. My favourite one is “Do you have this children’s book I’ve heard about? It’s supposed to be very good. It’s called ‘Lionel Richie and the Wardrobe’.” This is closely followed by “Do you have any books in this shade of green, to match the wrapping paper I’ve bought?”.

6.     What is your all-time favourite plant?

I’ll give you an answer today and probably a different one if you asked me tomorrow. So for today it is an orchid for beauty, and sloe blossom because it tells me that spring has arrived.


7.     You recently spoke at the GCA conference. Aside from this, what has been your all-time favourite public engagement?

My address to the Graduation Day Ceremony on ‘Going That Extra Mile’ at the University of Hertfordshire. However, I feel that the extra mile they went was to the pub!

8.     Which part of delivering a new book gives you the most satisfaction and why?

The first page, which tells the reader (and me) what it is all about, and the last page which means that I can put it to bed. Between the two there are lots of ups and downs.

9.     What is next for Dr Hessayon and Experts?

I’m afraid I don’t plan out my life - as the wise man said - “Life is what happens while you are busy making plans”. However, I know there are no retirement plans in sight. A new Expert book has started and another one is in the scribbled-note stage. One promise though, the books will be written by the name of the person or persons on the covers!

The Complete Garden Expert is available now

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